Ramon Nuñez is a 2d artist and illustrator from Madrid, Spain. His area of expertise is graphic design in general, but he specializes in 2d characters, visual storytelling, digital paintings, illustration, and loves to use color and gesture to express his ideas.
After graduating Fine Arts (Graphic Design) from University of Arturo Michelena, he quickly started working as a freelance illustrator and concept artist at various comic books and game design companies, such as Riot Games, Cryptozoic Entertainment, Image Comics, Gameloft, etc.
Today we present you his digital illustrations of Game of Thrones characters in which he perfected the crayon technique and brilliantly depicted the show’s favorite characters. See his portrayal of Thormund Giantsbane, Sansa Stark, the Night King, Khaleesi, and other major protagonists.
See Ramon’s portfolio on Behance, and follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to see the rest of his illustrations or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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