peppy works wallpapers

Recently, we wrote about a Turkish art director Turgay Mutlay, whose flat illustrations inspire designers from Brazil to Serbia. And now we have discovered that this prolific designer has another project up his sleeve.

It’s called Peppy Works and it’s a mobile app which allows you to download colorful flat wallpapers for your Android devices. The app has become hugely popular, reaching 20k downloads in only four weeks from its launch. And with good reason. The team behind the project uploads unique wallpapers every day and you can take a sneak peek of them on the official Instagram and Facebook pages.

Since we wanted to learn a little more about the whole project, we kindly asked Turgay some questions.

Turgay Mutlay from Peppy Works

PS: Hi, Turgay! Thank you for finding the time for us. What we have not had the chance to ask you in our previous article about your flat illustrations was this: How did you start designing in the first place?

TM: I was always in design – since childhood, actually. I used to build and design my own games. I discovered drawing when I was 10 and started drawing every day. My professional career began in 1999 when I started working as a graphic designer in different agencies. Then I worked in ATL agencies, game and digital agencies, and startups as Sr. Art Director. I’m working as a freelancer for 2 years now.

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Meteor Shower by Peppy Wallpapers.

PS: Recently, your new project Peppy Works became available in Google Play store. How did the idea for it emerge?

TM: I’m working in a free coworking office in Istanbul with many other designers and developers. We are all freelancers and always talk about new ideas. Irfan Omur, my very intimate friend who is a developer came back to Istanbul from the US and we came up with this idea and decided to move my designing strength to mobile platform as personalization apps.

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Blackpaint by Peppy Wallpapers.

PS: We had the pleasure to have a wallpaper named after our digital agency, PopArt Studio – thank you so much for that! Where do you usually find inspiration for your wallpapers?

TM: I usually get my inspiration while watching movies, reading books or drawing sketches. My most productive time is 11PM – 2AM usually and when I am happy. My advice is “don’t expect good work on a stressful day.”

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PopArt Studio by Peppy Wallpapers.

PS: What are your plans for the future?

TM: Peppy Wallpapers received 20k+ downloads in 4 weeks and that has made me amazingly happy. We’re getting great comments from our users. We also have some watch faces for smartwatches and want to make more. My future plan is to stay focused on personalization apps and entering the iOS platform, too.

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World of Cubes by Peppy Wallpapers.

PS: Thank you for this interview! Good luck in your future endeavors!

TM: Thank you so much for the talk. I appreciate your interest in the art and me as an artist.

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Hidden Sun by Peppy Wallpapers.

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Vesna Savić

Dedicates her time to learning about better means of communication, translating knowledge into practice, and is a passionate reader.