Al Margen’s graphic criticism of today’s society featured

Al Margen is an Argentinian illustrator who lives and works in Buenos Aires. He recently became popular because of his thought-provoking illustrations that criticize the modern society.

We live in a world where we burden our children with having to be perfect and knowledgeable, where we are slaves to the devices we use, and prefer the image of ourselves we see on Instagram and Facebook, and where we do not ask ourselves if everything we are surrounded by is real or has value. But Al Margen asks these questions in his illustrations.

If you want to be up to date with Al Margen’s graphics, follow him on Facebook.

Al Margen's graphic criticism of today's society 1

Al Margen's graphic criticism of today's society 2

Al Margen's graphic criticism of today's society 3

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Vesna Savić

Dedicates her time to learning about better means of communication, translating knowledge into practice, and is a passionate reader.