Flora Borsi knows how to answer this question. She would have taken photographs with famous persons whom she admires. But she did not need to time travel to fulfill her dream. Sort of. With a lot of creativity and a dose of patience, Borsi managed to recreate photos of famous persons, but with a catch. She added herself.
This Hungarian visual artist and photographer loves to experiment and to play with the perception of a spectator. She was thinking how it would be great to travel back in time and to meet people who left a mark, from Einstein and Froyd to Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, all the way to John Lennon.
Of course, even though this looks like a simple task, it required a lot of preparation and research before the actual making of the photograph. Examining each original photo included paying attention to the light, perspective, image depth and other technical characteristics. And in order to make things look more authentic, Borsi also made sure that her make-up and clothes correspond to the time periods when the photos were taken. The final step was to digitally “destroy” her selfies so that they could better fit with the original photographs.
This is not the first time Borsi played with time traveling and photography. Her previous project, “Time travel” included her as paparazzi taking photos of the Beatles, Andy Warhol, and others. It is a bit tricky to spot her at first, but if you pay close attention, you will find her.
See the photographs below, while you can find Flora Borsi on her Behance profile.
“Selfie” project

“Time travel” project